2024: Year to Follow Your Dreams

New Year Resolutions: we all make them and very few of us complete them. Go to the gym, no alcohol, eat better, organize better. All of these are just a few of the more common ones. I know they were often on mine. But this year I’ve decided to switch things up. Our main resolution will be to travel more or learn more that will help us travel. Whether it’s an hour trip or going across the country, life is too short to not explore.

Some things that we can learn to help us travel is a new language. One of my daughters are taking German in school, my youngest is learning Spanish and while I took 4 years of French in high school; I failed to keep up with it and have forgotten a lot. So, our first goal is to start learning more of the languages we are working on and help each other with the other’s language. Between Duolingo, YouTube videos and other methods; hopefully we’ll be able to converse.

The next goal is to save money each week. Any $5 bill that we get will go in a savings account marked for travel and every $1 will go in an account for emergencies. We’re going to learn how to cook different dishes so we don’t eat out as much and pack lunches instead of buying. Hopefully we can save enough to plan for a big vacation.

The last part of our New Year’s resolution is to travel. I’m hoping to plan at least one full day trip a month that’s within driving distance and one weekend trip every three months. And each of these trips need to be somewhere that we haven’t been before or haven’t stayed overnight before. There’s so much to explore that you never think about right in your own hometown. The little mom and pop shop that you’ve drive by on your way to work. That hole in the wall diner that someone from work recommended. Or maybe that little bed and breakfast in the next town over. We’ve discovered so many cool things at home that I’ve never thought about when we decided to play tourist.

Let 2024 be the year that you decide to expand your world and explore your world. Take a chance, take that drive. Check out new places. Where would you love to explore? What resolutions are on your list?

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